Monday, August 2, 2010

scans! beautiful scans!

i got my scanner working and man is it some high quality piece of machinery! so here are some fantastic images of 4 pages i've done so far.

here's the first page again.
"there's nothing more attractive than a man in a well fitted suit"
joseph gordon-levitt. i think he is so good looking especially in inception but most of all he's a representation of all men who look fantastic in well fitted suits. which is every man in the world, seriously suits are miracle workers. i like to put things in my books that inspire me or that i find visualy appealing.
"i have extroidinarly small hands for my height and buld"
my left hand. i have a sort of fasicnation with hands, mine happen to be too small for my body not that i'm self-concious about them or anything it's just how they are. when watching movies i like to watch how women use their hands, with their long slender fingers, the way they move them when they speak. if you've ever seen that show gilmore girls, the mom lorelai has wonderful hands. i looove the way she uses/holds them.

massive hope.
these pages where inspired by the feather that my sister found in the park yesterday. i knew i wanted it in my sketchbook but since it's white i needed some backround paper, i like the way the film negatives stood out but felt that they looked lonely too so of course i turned to good old map paper. the photo negatives represent where i've been and the map is where i want to go. the feather joins the two together because it once belonged to a bird who probably flew all over the place, maybe that bird is in the backround of the photo or maybe its flying around the places i want to go. at the moment i'm also trying to perfect my drawings of birds, wings have always been difficult for me and i'm experimenting with differnt types of bird feet. oh and the words on the bottom of the left page are lyrics from an animal collective song "and confusions not a kidney stone in my brain but if we're miscommunicating do we feel the same?"


  1. You are doing pretty excellent so far. What is your topic?

  2. great hopes and massive failures. i switched the words around to be massive hope and great failure, because i tend to put more on hope and when i fail i see it as an oppurtunity
