Sunday, August 15, 2010

my mind is chaos

so i've been working on this one mini project for my book. my friend aleks taught me how to make paper cranes (i had the idea to make them out of map paper, re-occurring theme much?) so i made 20 cranes of all sizes and attached them to pieces of string. i want to hang them in nature and take pictures of them to signify all the places i've been in my 20 years of life and the places i will go in the next 20. so i was trying to attach them to a tree branch to make placement in nature easier. didn't work they got all tangled and i spent 30 minutes untangling them. why do i insist on working with tiny pieces of paper on string? chaos and knots are sure to ensue. anyways now i'm trying to think of another sort of base for the cranes, i also need a good natural place to put them and preferably an assistant to help me out. maybe sophie and i can have a crane weekend and she'll help me out. yea so i haven't really made too much progress with that and that's why i haven't posted in a while. also i'm sort of at a loss what to do after that, i just feel that this book is so important, not only is it an art piece but it's reflection, a summart of who i am not only as an aritist but as a person. how i persieve things and interpret them is pretty significant. i'm afraid i won't make anything interesting enough and at the same time while trying to make something pleasing to others i will compromise my aritistic vision. i just have so many ideas

here's my finger when it was all puffy and bruisey

here's my attempt to capture the cranes (hanging from tree branch) in santa cruz. i really like the concept, just need better execution

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